Monday, November 30, 2009

Where It's At

Antibiotics make poop weird. Bug's poop has this weird candy/medicinal smell. It is runny, verging on diarrhea and is a little more frequent than usual. It has a darker slightly rusty red color to it. So yeah, this is TMI but it is what is on my mind these days. Today is the last day of 10 days on antibiotics and hopefully this ear infection has been killed. If I could kick and punch this infection and scream I HATE YOU at it I would. Bug has had two ear infections, two colds, and bronchiolitus in the last three months. It's sucky to say the least. I think she is on the mend. Excuse me while a pause to knock on wood. So now if these evil molars would just break through and leave us alone we would be all set and ready for Christmas.


Existential Waitress said...

Poor Bug! I hope she's on the mend too. This has been a long stretch for her - and you. The good thing is that she's building up her immune system and (knock on wood) you won't have to endure a stretch like this for a long time. That seems to be the way it happened for my kids (again, knock on wood) and I've heard other parents say that as well. said...

Yikes, I feel so bad for you! I hope she gets better really soon!

Anonymous said...

Ok. You are probably going to think I am weird and I don't know how it works but it does: here goes. I live in the south of France and all the teething babies here wear little amber necklaces. My daughter really struggled with teething and when I tried it it did help a lot. They are available in most health stores here and in most baby stores. They aren't very expensive and are non-invasive so it might be worth a try. Let me know if you need help finding one. Just a thought. Poor little thing. Teething and ear infections are really painful - I hope she gets better soon.

Amy said...

Kerrycharacters, it is so interesting to hear what they do in other countries. I am sure they don't sell those here. In the states, everything is all DANGER DANGER! Don't let your kid have that it might kill them. Everything is considered a choking hazard here. I don't think they would sell anything necklace-like in the states.

I'd love to know more about them. I think I'll google it! Thanks!