Saturday, May 1, 2010

Getting Over It

When I quit work, we had to move. Bug and I moved to the desert. Big D stayed in Los Angeles and came to us on the weekends. At first it didn't matter much. Bug was nursing all the time and refluxing when she wasn't nursing and we two were a beautiful mess. But as the months turned into a year, the weekdays without Big D became grueling and the commuting back and forth for Big D became arduous. Bug became attached to her Daddy. It became obvious that we needed to move back. But in doing so, I have come to realize that this temporary move to the desert has been a buffer from the feelings of having to, for financial reasons and other more personal reasons, leave. The house in Eagle Rock has our blood, sweat, and tears in it. For now, it is still ours though we no longer live there. But I am realizing that I have to mourn a little for it and then get over it. Cause a house is only a home when the people you love are in it. And that is what I have learned. So, here is my goodbye to my lovely little house. I think we did right by you.


GratefulTwinMom said...

That is a beautiful little house. It is so hard to get over it, I know. When we left our house in Silverlake for South Pasadena, I was so saddened. Felt like forever before I even liked the new house. I love what you said about a house being a home when people you love are in it. Wishing you luck in your new place. Wherever that will be.

Tracie said...

What a pretty house! Good luck in your new digs.

Annika said...

Oh, what a beautiful little house!

It's funny--I think I will even mourn this horrible little apartment when we finally leave. Leaving a place is hard.

Amy said...

Thanks, guys. I really loved restoring this house. I wish I had taken before photos. If I had all the money in the world, I would spend my days doing restoration. It is really a passion for me. Unfortunately, it is just too damn expensive.

GratefulTwinMom--When we left the Los Feliz/Silverlake area about ten years ago to move to the westside I think I had a mini-breakdown. How can two places exist in the same city and be such worlds apart? These days, I'd give my front teeth to live in South Pasadena. I hope we are able to afford living there before Bug goes to school. I just love it there.

Existential Waitress said...

You're so right - home is wherever your family is, and a house is just a house. I'm glad you'll all be together again as a family.

Existential Waitress said...

That really is an adorable little house though. You did an awesome job with it.

Suzanne said...

Lovely, indeed! Wish ours had that much character. I can imagine it'll be hard to leave, but it sounds like good things are ahead in Cali.

Denise said...

I love it. So quaint. And it's clear that you did (do) too. I just said to a girlfriend yesterday that it's always hard to leave a house that your brought a baby home to (sorry for the preposition at the end of that sentence).

But you're right--home is where your family bleeds, sweats, laughs and cries.

Organic Motherhood with Cool Whip said...

What a beautiful home!! I wish I could do some more renovations to mine. I love the color and the wood!!! Hope that you enjoy your new place in LA. XOXOX