Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Bad Day

Really bad day, bad fight, bad job, bad commute, everything sucks so much that I can't even write about it. I need a change of scenery.


havemycake said...

the commute alone is enough to do you in. i remember.

Anonymous said...

Must be something in the air...

Jason said...

don't forget to breathe!

Amy said...

Jason, I know but sometimes driving home in bumper to bumper triffic, looking at the yellow smog hanging over the mountains, I think, perhaps breathing isn't such a good idea. Like maybe humans need to evolve to not breathe so we can live in all this crap around us. Sure, breathing keeps us all alive but for what? So we can spend our lives in crappy jobs in crappy traffic only to end up with cancer from breathing in crap all day.

Jason said...

But "don't forget to not breathe" doesn't sound like very good advice. Or make much sense.

Hmm. Maybe tomorrow will be better.