The Stuff On My Mind
1. I need to live in the same state as my husband but California is too fucking expensive and the rental properties in areas where you don't get shot at are shitty in our price range.
2. Bug is 15 months and still naps in her swing. But her recent growth spurt is making it obvious that this is not going to work much longer and this makes me want to curl up in a fetal position and sob.
3. I just can't seem to get these Christmas cards addressed and in the mail and it is really haunting me.
4. I want sleep really badly and want to cry every time I think about it.
5. Breastfeeding is getting old.
6. Bug has ANOTHER COLD.
7. I want a beer.
8. I want to lose this last ten pounds but probably won't until after bfing ends. Like in ten years or so.
9. I turned 36 last week. How the hell did that happen?
10. I need sleep. Did I already say that? Yeah, I know, it is getting boring but it's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I know how you feel about the swing situation - I was up against the same thing with Bear. And I'm STILL contending with Maggie's sleep issues and she's 4. Much of that is my own fault though I guess. Can Bug have wheat yet?
I hope you can find a way to live in the same state as D. I can imagine how hard that is. Although depending on the day, having Carl live in another state certainly has it's appeal. ;)
I just picked up our Christmas cards from the photo lab today. Now I have to start sending them out. That's my least favorite part of Christmas (other than stupid family drama which I have no time or patience for).
My kids would never sleep in their swings. Or in their beds for that matter. I feel for you on the sleep deprivation. IMHO, it's the worst thing about motherhood.
Kys, I agree. The sleep deprivation is the sucky part of this gig. EW, I think it is a part of being a mother to think that this stuff is our fault. That too, is sucky.
Damn, you're old! Ha ha. I'm laughing at the old lady. Wait... I'm a year older... and I'm totally underemployed... and I my wife is pregnant with another kid... and my daughter tried to shave her index finger last night (Do you need pre-schooler blood? I've got plenty.)...
Ah, hell! The only thing to do is heat up the toddies.
On a serious note - you can only do what you can do. Have you tried the serenity prayer?
that is THIS to Shall Pass.
Hang in there you!! Trust me, it will get better!
Oh, I so get where you're coming from. Sleep deprivation is the worst.
It will get better. So I'm told. But I have to tell you, even though I felt like I was chained to the baby at times, I really miss nursing. It was so...peaceful.
I miss nursing too - especially knowing that we're not having any more kids. Sometimes I wish I could start nursing the kids again. But my youngest is 4 and has been weaned for 3 years now. And I think that's the kind of thing someone might call social services over at this point.
You so cracked me up with that one. Nursing is one of those things that is love/hate with me.
Hi there! Just found your site thanks to a link on existential waitress. You are very funny. I know what you mean. My baby only slept in the bouncer on top of the dryer for about 2 years. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating just a little. Maybe it was like a year and 8 months. But I'm not exaggerating when I say that both of my kids still depend on me to go to sleep and I know I've created a monster. Actually two. Anyway, I hope you get a nap in the near future. Come visit my blog sometime if you want:
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